Top 5 Best NRI Tax Consultant in Dubai

Top 5 Best NRI Tax Consultant in Dubai

NRI Advisory Services is one of the leading NRI tax consultancy firms in Dubai, UAE, providing expert solutions to individuals and businesses seeking comprehensive tax advisory services. With our team of highly skilled professionals and a wealth of experience in the field, we pride ourselves on being one of the Top 5 Best NRI Tax Consultant in Dubai, UAE. Founded in 2015, NRI Advisory Services has been serving a diverse clientele, including NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) and businesses, for several years. Our CEO, Anshul Singla, brings a wealth of experience to the company, with over 20 years of expertise in the field of tax consultancy. His in-depth knowledge and strategic insights have played a pivotal role in the success of our firm.

At NRI Advisory Services, we understand the unique challenges and requirements faced by NRIs when it comes to taxation. Whether you need assistance with NRI income tax returns, foreign asset reporting, or compliance with tax regulations, our team is dedicated to providing you with personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction sets us apart as a trusted tax consultancy firm in Dubai. We strive to deliver the highest level of service and expertise, ensuring that our clients receive accurate and timely advice to navigate the complex tax landscape. With a deep understanding of both Indian and international tax laws, we provide comprehensive tax planning strategies that optimize your tax liabilities and help you achieve your financial goals. Contact us today to experience our exceptional tax consultancy services.


To be a leading NRI Tax Consultant.


Our mission is to help NRIs by providing top-notch professional NRI Tax Services for India Taxation for NRIs present all over the world.

Director’s Profile

Words From Director's
Mr. Anshul Singla is the Managing Director of NRI Advisory Services. He holds a Masters in Business Administration (Finance) from Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Finansów Międzynarodowych w Warszawie in Poland. In addition he has done MPhil (Erasmus University – Netherlands) and MCA (India). He has around 10 years banking experience in UAE and worked as a Relationship Manager in the SME Department of RAK Bank for 7 years. Since 2015, he is mostly engaged in business development involving the business team to grow the company. Using the relationship skills he leads, consulting SME and corporate customers, builds relationships with banks, Real Estate Firms, Audit Firms, Investment Banks and entities in the field of Finance & Banking to create a niche in the local market. He is a visionary person and his passion is to strengthen the relationship management and drive growth of the company.
Mr. Anshul Singla
Managing Director
Geeta Garg as Commercial Manager in NRI Advisory Services is a certified lawyer from Chandigarh BAR Council. She has done MBA in Finance from KUK. Working in Dubai for the last 8 years in different fields of Insurance and Financing. She has extensive knowledge of Insurance underwriting. Now pursuing her career in the banking and financial sector.
Mrs. Geeta Garg
Commercial Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

When is an individual considered as a Resident in India under the Act?

An individual is considered as a Resident in India under the Act if :- He stays in India for 182 days or more in a FY; or he is India for 60* days or more in a FY and for 365 days or more in preceding 4 FYs. However, the condition of stay of 60 days is extended to 182 days for: Member of the crew of an Indian Ship leaving India,Indian citizen leaving for purpose of employment, PIO or Citizen of India, being outside India, having come on a visit to India He stays in India for 182 days or more in a FY; or he is India for 60* days or more in a FY and for 365 days or more in preceding 4 FYs. However, the condition of stay of 60 days is extended to 182 days for: Member of the crew of an Indian Ship leaving India Indian citizen leaving for purpose of employment PIO or Citizen of India, being outside India, having come on a visit to India

When is an individual considered as a Non-resident (NR) in India under the Act?

If an individual does not satisfy any of the conditions for being a Resident in India as per prior question, he/she shall be considered as a NR in India.

When is an individual considered as a RNOR in India under the Act?

If an individual is a Resident of India for a particular FY (as explained in the above question) and if the said individual is – 1. a NR in India in 9 FY out of 10 preceding FYs; or 2. is in India for less than 729 days in preceding 7 FYs, then he/she shall be considered as a RNOR in India provided he satisfy either of the above additional condition. However, if both the aforesaid additional conditions are not satisfied, then he/she shall be considered as ROR in India.

Whether date of arrival in India and date of departure from India to foreign country must be included while calculating number of days of stay in India?

Generally, while calculating the number of days of stay in India, date of arrival and date of departure in India shall be treated as days of stay in India. Normally, dates stamped on Passport are considered as proof of departure from and arrival in India.However, in case where an individual is a Citizen of India and a member of the crew of a Indian Ship, on a voyage having originated from any port in India, with destination being any port outside India or vice versa, then number of days of stay in India for the said individual, shall not include the period beginning on the date entered into the Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) in respect of joining the ship till date entered into the CDC in respect of signing off from the ship.

An Indian citizen leaves India for the first time on July 1, 2018 for taking up employment abroad. He/she does not return to India till March 31, 2019. What will be his/her residential status for the FY 2018-19?

The individual in the aforesaid case stays in India for 92 days during FY 2018-19. As per provisions of the Act, in the following cases, only the condition of stay in India for less than 182 days is applicable for determining Residential Status to be NR: 1. In case of a person, who is citizen of India or PIO being outside India, who is on visit to India; OR 2. In case of a person, who is citizen of India, and leaves India for employment outside India or as a member of the crew of an Indian ship. Accordingly, as his/her stay in India is 92 days which is less than 182 days, the residential status shall be a NR for the FY 2018-19 under the provisions of the Act. It may be noted that the same conditions may not be applicable in case of family members of the person leaving India who has left India for the purpose of employment abroad.

Would the answer in the above example be different in case he/she was not an Indian citizen but a PIO?

As explained above, he/she is not an Indian citizen, so he/she would not be eligible to claim benefit of 182 days, even though he/she is a PIO. Hence, as his/her stay in India in the FY 2018-19 exceeded 60 days and for the 4 years preceding the FY 2018-19 exceeded 365 days, his/her residential status would be Resident of India.

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